Definitely a twist ending! All the books are pretty good and the story as a whole is interesting and fun. You can take this third book as an ending if you like and not continue the series. It definitely feels like an ending with a really good plot twist ending in my opinion. It’s nice to read a book where the main character isn’t in control – for real, like actually not in control. And doesn’t end up all knowing, all powerful, and with everything ending in his favor the way he wants. It’s actually refreshing. There were more than a few times in this book, and in the series, where I felt anxious for the protagonist. That’s kind of rare, because most of the time the MC is overpowered, or you feel like they’re never in any real long term danger. I think this is the first time where I felt like the MC could suffer irreparable harm if things went wrong for him (like if Garth got his skull). Well done on the author’s part. Even the narrator’s boring voice couldn’t take that away. Anyway, there are more books in the series. I might check them out, but overall, I’m satisfied with this ending. Had an enjoyable time, and I recommend this series.