This book is totally a WHODUNNIT and really had me going back and forth! Oh yea, she did it! No, wait. Maybe not. Naaa, she’s crazy, she did it. I think. I still don’t know! Talk about the bloody finger of guilt pointing directly at someone. There seemed to be PLENTY of evidence. Like lots. Almost TOO obvious. The only thing missing was a big red X on her front door.

Is it possible to tick off a bunch of fellow cops to the point that they all get together to set you up? Of course, but that is also a popular claim/strategy that an accused person often uses as well – especially when the cards are overwhelmingly stacked against you, and you have no other defense. Nearly every murderer on death row will tell you they didnt do it, or they were framed.

I’m sure that conspiracy theorists will LOVE sinking their teeth into this one! It definitely makes you think about what COULD happen if the police DID target you. What can you do? Scary thought. I like that this book does NOT give you a final *case closed* answer, leaving it up to you to argue the hell out of it with someone. And I’m sure you will. Lol.

Kevin Pierce will always be, hands down my MOST favorite narrator within the True Crime genre. He nails it every time. He can read a coloring book and make it sound awesome. 🙂

I was gifted this audiobook at no cost to me in exchange for an honest opinion. This was good, and had me on that guilty-not guilty rollercoaster ride for sure!