This book was extremely mediocre. I’d go as far as to say, awful, however, I suppose the formulaic subject matter made it at least somewhat interesting. What’s good about the book? Short answer: almost nothing. Longer answer: it involves deep sea adventure, aliens, and archeology. What’s bad about the book? Short answer: almost everything. Longer answer: the characters are so poorly developed it’s comical. The two main characters are positioned as science guy and military guy in such a hamfisted way, I’m confident that this book was either written by a high school junior in his/her creative writing class or it was written by chatgpt. The dialogue is awful. Soooo bad. The author uses “he said. Wryly,” about 109 times. It’s as if he lost his thesaurus. Furthermore, the author clearly did zero research. This isn’t like a Michael Crichton situation, where the topic was researched and presented in a somewhat well thought out way. This is a sci fi book that made no attempt to base any of this in anything scientific. And no I’m not expecting a book about alien life to be realistic, I mean, perhaps attempt at any place in the book to convey what’s going on scientifically. Oh and the narrator has this annoying, nasally, vocal fry voice. Unclear how he got the job. Skip this book. It is really bad