The entire thesis of this book acts to portray left wing antagonists merely as “protesters” exercising their first amendment right as if they were not burning down entire cities, forcing innocent patrons of restaurants to publicly pledge fealty to them, throwing bricks through the windows of the uninvolved, killing dozens of people, looting, and assaulting women and children at rallies. That their actions were necessary at worst and justified at best.

It does so by blatantly misrepresenting the facts under the guise of “journalism”, ad hominem attacks, and demeaning the lived experiences of those who saw it with their own eyes. Hyprocritically.

This is a book that could have easily, and factually been written about Antifa, BLM, or any other militant left wing group terrorizing Americans through intimidation and violence. Instead it is a tome of gaslighting, hearsay, lies, and projection.

If you want to know what The Proud Boys are about- ask one. As the author ineloquently portends, they are everywhere and Proud Boys will not hesitate to have a conversation with you.

Only when you throw a bottle filled with urine at an unarmed Trump supporter attempting to get to his or her car will the conversation become heated at best and at worst…well, fair is fair.