When you take the wonderful writing of Mark Goodwin and express them with the narration of Kevin Pierce you are bound to have a hit. The Book of Sorrows: World Order paints a picture prescient of the times we live in today. Josh, Stehanie, Micah AND Emilio & (not going to spoil the surprise- read/listen to the book) find themselves in a weaponized pandemic. Josh and Emilio try to stop its perpetrators while Stephanie, Micah, and ????? prepare for the worst. Action, suspense, anger, relief, and loss…all are masterfully visited upon the reader through the words of Mark Goodwin. Is this today’s headlines or a Mark Goodwin novel?
You judge: weaponized virus, never let a good crisis go to waste, and SHEEPle looking to a world government to solve their problems.
Take a ride on a horse from Revelations and discover that Mark Goodwin has foretold a story that is unbelievable…UNTIL YOU READ TODAY’S HEADLINES and ask yourself, “Is this real?”
Finally, thank you Mark Goodwin for an engaging novel free of the smut used to draw in readers for prurient interest.?