Ms Sheri Cobb South does not disappoint in this humorous tale of a Lord (Hawthorne) who doesn’t know what he’s got until it’s almost lost. Lord Harry Hawthorne and Lady Olivia Darby have been pledged to one another since childhood. She has always been quite open about her adoration for Harry. While Harry, who has adored his Livie, has also seen no reason to publicly show his true feelings. That is until his nemesis, the Marquis of Mannerly, begins to openly pay his Livie attention.

The chuckles begin in full force as Harry devises a plan to watch over his Livie and keep her naiveté from falling for Mannerly’s scheming ways by disguising himself as his grandmother.

Joel Froomkin delivers a wonderful performance. I must admit, he is one of my favorite male narrators and I love when he teams with Cobb South. I know I’m guaranteed a fabulous listening experience.

I received a free copy of this audiobook from the author. My review is honest in content and freely offered.

Mature Content: none