What did you like best about Retrograde? What did you like least?
Best…some of the thoughtful scenarios and dialogue scenes were worthwhile.Least…without a doubt Abrahams used this series as a bully pulpit for what appears to be a libertarian/prepper/individual rights rule over community/government is bad POV. Granted, the author has full right to do so, and I paid for these books so in some way I am responsible for funding this, but as this book moved on it became so explicit that it overwhelmed other aspects of what otherwise might have been compelling. Too bad, but his choice.
What could Tom Abrahams have done to make this a more enjoyable book for you?
Get off the soap box, and drive the story notwithstanding.
What does Kevin Pierce bring to the story that you wouldn’t experience if you just read the book?
KP was excellent in this series, being consistent, creative and dynamic. I would note that even he seemed to tire of the histrionics towards the end as well. Plus, was there really and end?
Could you see Retrograde being made into a movie or a TV series? Who should the stars be?
I sure hope not. Maybe on Fox, or The Blaze.
Any additional comments?
OK look. Interesting, character driven series, with a great deal of creativity, and research. Well done there. HOWEVER, turned into a political screed as anything else, and became more and more pronounced as it moved on. Candidly, even TA seemed to revisit this at the end when some of the primary characters questioned their own motives and actions ( which, at times, were ridiculously selfish ). All told, a decent series, but certainly with many caveats as laid out here. Moderately recommended, with asterisks.