So, I really love post apocalypse based content. Its something I am always on a lookout for. I also read Dark Elf Chronicles by this author which has some similarities (but I hated the video game elements of that series). I think there are a lot of things I liked about this series and I had a hard time nailing it down but it didn’t feel like a five star book to me so I guess here are my thoughts:
Main Character – I didn’t really like the main character. The main character is supposed to be like a 18 year old gamer but I just felt like I didn’t get a consistent feeling that that is who the character was. Having a main character you can relate to and that feels consistent is important and, honestly I just wasn’t feeling it with this character.
Forced Memes – There was a point that felt like the entire scene was forced to make a few World of Warcraft jokes. It just felt a little forced and not so subtle to me.
Overall, It really wasn’t bad. I liked it but to me a five star book is one I plan to read multiple times. I enjoyed my purchase and I suspect I will buy the next if there is a continuation.The main character just wasn’t that enjoyable to me but I liked a lot of the concepts of this world.