I received this audiobook for free in exchange for an honest review.

Andrew B. Wehrlen is a talented narrator. It was his performance more than anything else that kept this story interesting.

The story itself has a solid premise. A young man strives to find his sister, who was turned into a zombie a decade earlier. He wants to recover her in the hopes that she can be cured at some later date. From that perspective the story is fine.

What this story lacks is compelling drive. The main character, Tom, certainly has motivation. He also begins to care for a half-breed zombie girl, though whether the interest is romantic or protective is a bit muddled. Hopefully it is the latter, but there is evidence enough to argue for the former.

It is difficult to pin down, but the chief issue is that I couldn’t ever find myself caring what happened. People died, meh. Tom has daddy issues, oh well. What’s going on between Tom and the half-breed? Disturbingly interesting, but not compelling.

Overall the story was entertaining to a fair degree, it just didn’t “grab me.”