Like others, I was a little disappointed in the lack of plot movement until the last hour and a half or so. But overall it is a good addition to the Delvers series. I do kind of worry about the imbalance between the two main characters though. I had a feeling in the first book that the story would heavily skew towards Henry, and it seems I was right in some ways. I’m assuming there’s still a lot of time to let Jason’s part of the circle shine, but so far he’s drawn the short straw more times than not. I was also a little confused about the whole Nora Hazard character coming into the story like we were supposed to know who she was. But I now know there’s a whole trilogy on her so it makes sense. I didn’t really find her character interesting enough to want to read them, but I find it cool BC is expanding the world a bit. Other than those things, it was a fun book and I’ll be looking forward to the next one.