I love Lexi’s creativity in how she addresses us humans (the readers) and pulls us into the X-Clan World by changing a human into an Omega. Out of all of her heroines, I think I could relate to Kat the most. She is by no means a meek little thing. She will gut you, behead you, and protect what’s hers. I also love how she showed a vulnerability with the big tough Alpha. He was so relatable in that he did not realize the errors of his ways until it was too late. He couldn’t guess how his mate was feeling and let’s face it, many of us women expect that in our own mates and he went above and beyond to correct that mistake. I absolutely love this series!!!! Her suspense and rhythm keep you on the edge of your seat. I would love to know the backstory and love story to several other characters in this book, including Kat’s parents. It definitely left open possibilities of other X-clan novels!!!