“Unapologetically kinky, dismally dark, and deliciously deviant.” (Pepper Winters)

My review for books 2 through 4 will be minimal as far as the story line to avoid spoilers. But everything you need is in the synopsis. First things first: these are NOT standalone books. Each has a cliffhanger, and the series must be read in order. Trust me, you don’t want to start book 1 unless you are prepared to read/listen to the whole series. Also, this series will literally kill you. Seriously. I’ve got my coffin picked out. You’ll die a very sweet and euphoric death though.

“I wanted to snatch her, savage her. I wanted to rip her from the heavens and bring her firmly into my hell.”
Book 2 is more graphic and triggering than book 1. In this book, you learn more of Sullivan’s past and why he’s become the way he is. Pepper’s writing really made me understand the dichotomy of Sully’s character. He’s overwhelming in the best way. Meeting Eleanor is challenging his control and making him question his life. Eleanor is full of hope, determination, and strength. She’s struggling with her new reality, which causes her to make some bad decisions. But who could blame her after being abducted and thrown into this new life? The electricity between Sully and Jinx continues to grow. The story is spellbinding and full of so much pain and passion. And that cliffhanger ending… I’m speechless!

Readers, get ready for a ride that is dark, intense, raw, twisted, exhilarating, exciting, kinky, sexy, dirty, addicting, angsty, full of internal turmoil, and scary in the most scintillating way. A ride that pushes your limits and makes you crave everything that Goddess Isles has to offer. Pepper Winters is truly talented! She is detailed and describes everything with such perfection, it makes it easy to picture everything. This is one of those series that will stick with you forever.

The narration is done in true Duet style. The flow was nothing short of amazing. Sarah Puckett embodies Eleanor and her tenacity, stubbornness, and spunky attitude. Sully is one of the darkest and most alpha characters I’ve met. Scott Rider couldn’t be more perfect in portraying him. Scott perfectly delivers Sully’s dark, twisted, and complex character. Sarah and Scott ARE Jinx and Sully. Sarah expertly delivers Eleanor’s anger, lust, desire, and emotional turmoil. Scott expertly delivers Sully’s raw emotions that are full of lust, anger, desire, jealousy, internal turmoil, and hardcore alpha male persona. Their duet narration plays out the story in a very realistic way and makes you love the characters even more. When I’m done with this series, I will definitely be searching for more books by these 2 narrators!

5 I’m-Stuck-In-Euphoria Stars!