I loved reading about the author just as much as I liked the book. I was wondering where she got all her information from, now I know.

This was the beginning of what looks like a real good series. I love the post apocalyptic type books! It was a very enjoyable and interesting read. There was not as much action as I would have liked or as you would expect from this kind of book though. I thought it should have had more edge to it.

Good character development. I wasn’t in love with Megan, there was just something about her that I didn’t care for personality wise. I really did like the rest of the “family” though and I do look forward to read more about them in up coming books.

What I really did like about this book was the talk of and the author’s knowledge of herbal/alternative remedies. I am very much into alternative medicine and organic gardening and “putting up” so all that was a huge plus for me. I am a vegetarian so didn’t care as much for the hunting and trapping (it didn’t turn me off, it just isn’t my thing).

Since this was an audio – the reader was just OK for me. He wasn’t great, but wasn’t terrible. But – I am very picky when it comes to narration! I was also surprised it was a man doing the narrating since the main character was a woman.

Altogether a nice read. And like I said – I do hope to continue to the next book.

I voluntarily posted this review after receiving a copy of this book from The Audiobookworm – Thank You!!