Have to say after listening to almost the whole story I’m almost done and I am completely pissed at Dan! What a little wussy! He caused all the drama and Mickey deserves so much better than that! After all Mickey has been through and while taking care of his brother after heart surgery Dan blatantly lies to Mickey and shrugs it off as a “small” thing when busted!! Then turns all this blame on Mickey!! Crazy accusations because Dan is a little bitch. Mickey has never lied to him and then continues to be blamed for things he hasn’t done all because of Dans judgmental big mouth!! Wow!! Am I losing my mind?? He should kick Dan to the curb now with his selfish attitude!! Wow!!! Not sure how it ends but I think Mickey deserves way more than Dan! What a let down Dan is! But Dan continues to act holier than thou while Mickey cries??!!! Hard to listen to. Just really upset with how this book has turned. If both were to blame then I understand but all of this miscommunication and hurt directed at Mickey is Dans fault!! Just wow!!