A mimic, imaginary creature shaped like a booty chest, protagonist lives his life to the fullest in a fantasy world of magic and swords. A story of a pure and unspoiled being fulfilling one selves destiny and living life while striving to achieve it’s dreams.

The story’s protagonist is an opposite of the typical litRPG hero protagonist, presenting the unadulterated innocence and naivete of a child. Story mainly follows a child, who’s exploring the world and himself, not being the sum product of it’s creators rather a living creature striving to survive with a conflicting nature and nurture, all the while following his greater purpose. Nah, without pulling your leg, the MC’s main goal is surviving followed by immediate gratification. The plentiful turntables instances of POV from background characters coming in contact with MC and swiftly experiencing the most gore filled and existentially dreadful instances in their lives’ are hilarious, farce. Adultery scenes, often times uncalled for, certainly unexpected of, keep the story spicy and serve as a background C plots.

The story’s further progression is up for grabs. Having a protagonist living in the moment without any plans certainly can work and creates many instances of comedic relief, but not in such a blatant way that makes the universe’s conscious beings’ average IQ below 70, hopefully succubi will show more streaks of underhanded mastermindness or mimic will mature and have a more detail plan if not goal other than eating tastys, some sort of direction for the readers to look forth to would be welcome. The twigs’ guerrilla, terrorist action is an interesting exposition that can be explored, but how it involves MC other than fate/luck/chance encounters? (Which could and should be comedic but doesn’t realistically fit in hero’s journey or revenge path, character building, that are the typical protagonist cliches)

Conclusion: 3/5. Listened on Audible, Narrated by: Jeff Hays. Story is full of fantasy world cliches turned on their heads in the best possible way. Abundant of adultery and adultery themed puns and jokes some could call dad joke. Personally, first encounter with guerilla warfare tactics in litRPG.