first, let me talk about the narration. I’m not an expert on audio books, I’ve only listened to make a dozen, so I’ve not heard these two before, but I liked them. the part that was unusual to me was they didn’t intermingle their parts. he did a chapter, she did a chapter. every other book I’ve listened to with dual narration, the male did the lead man part and the female did the woman lead part. so it was different for me to hear it done this way. I didn’t love it, but didn’t hate it either.

the story itself I liked. I read it before I listened to it. it’s a good start for the series, you get introduced to most of the characters that you’ll get to know better as the series goes on, but it’s not done in an overwhelming manner like I’ve seen before. it’s not my favorite book of the series, but important in my opinion to lay the ground work