So this real loser and I mean complete moronic fool meets something powerful enough to be essentially a God but instead keeps going on about Christianity. Might as well file this under Christian fantasy. Next the direction this book is taking is Harem. Right now it’s just in the multiple adoring females fawning over him stage of Harem, but even if it just stays there it’s still Harem and I never would purposely buy such rubbish. The side characters are also trash but honestly better than the lying and idiotic main character. The frat boy god Augustus is honestly the star of this book (as much as a frat boy can be considered a star of anything) and the only remotely redeeming quality but sadly this book isn’t about him. I’ll be skipping future books but audible doesn’t make it easy to hide or block authors so I might accidently buy one. I’d suggest skipping this one if you despise Harem, Religious fanaticism, and stupid MCs.