If only she let him have it a single time for acting like he owns her and can control her. Not once does this woman put him in his place.
It ends with her brother literally trading her in exchange for help to run the city?!? wtf! It’s the same thing as the villain for the story trading women for weapons only he’s trading his own sister.
She was spunky and likable with the exception of letting him walk all over her when it counts. It was frustrating. And let’s not get started on the fact that we have millionth romance novel in which the heroines a 20+ year old virgin. As if only a virgin is worthy. Not to mention the fact that she winces her first time then immediately has an orgasm..with a man the size of a fucking horse.
The biggest issue is that he didn’t let her make a choice. He decides he can’t be on her own planet and that’s that. And the shaving part….are you fucking kidding me?!?
Then she leaves her fucking planet for him. Gets there and another woman who he was with is waiting to greet him and she STILL doesn’t put him in his place or demand to be taken home. This could’ve been a really good book.