I really wanted to like this series and it truly has potential but I just couldn’t finish it. I spent weeks trying to get through it but gave up partially through Book 3. The storyline was secondary and the sex was the main focus, plus I got so sick of hearing the main character whine and worry about the same things but not actually doing anything to change it. Book 1 was the best because it did focus on the storyline more than Books 2 or 3. Getting to know Alexa was fun too because she really is a character with a good heart but she’s also a character that makes bad decisions almost constantly and just continues blindly forward. I mean, she’s become this one-of-a-kind being but doesn male ANY type of attempt to discover anything about this change during Books 1and 2 and hadnt done anything by the time I gave up on book 3. That, along with the repetitive worries and constant bad decisions was just too much and I couldn’t take it anymore.