Am I missing something?
I’m so confused with all these good reviews.

This is incredibly bland, average and overstuffed with tropes.

I got through 30% of this book and found absolutely nothing unique or charming about it like all these glowing reviews seem to make it out to be.

After further research I notice a lot of these glowing reviews seem to conveniently be from people who received ARC. Not sure if that’s what’s tipping the scale but jeez this was not good and I feel like I have some general idea of what’s good and bad.

Mouse came across as this empty shell of a character with a plugged in over hyped personality already established but did not at all feel natural. You already get the feel of that from the very moment he’s introduced. His personality feels forced. I wish there was a more natural introduction to him and after reading so far into this book I still barely knew anything about him as a character or why I should care.

The premise couldn’t be anymore generic feeling too with the book starting off of him getting hired to locate and escort a character for a character for a huge chunk of money.

The writing style just felt some painfully simple. If it wasn’t for that weird scene in the beginning about talking of a man’s private parts then this kinda felt like a YA book. Scrub out those weird out of place adult scenes then it could pass as a YA.