This book just came out today on audible and I bought it because the blurb sounded so promising and I was excited. The good to me was that the writing of the characters was very detailed at least where the aliens were concerned, I felt much was not given about Carter and he needed more of a voice but still done pretty good.

What I thought brought the book down so much for me was the sadness. No, I don’t expect for slaves to be happy but good grief and I felt Siel was mean to Pykh. He loved him but was still mean to him most of the time and looked down on him because he didn’t know anything outside of being born into slavery. That wasn’t his fault! I didn’t totally dislike Siel and he was sad to because he was put into slavery after living a real life and just wanted to die.

But what really messed me up with this book was the end, just when it was getting good to me, it was over. I’m not sure I would call it a cliffhanger per se’ but it definitely is not finished and you have to read the sequel. Well since I listened to it I have no idea if the second will even be made.

Joel Leslie as the narrator was excellent as always.