This is another chicken soup book for me easily consumable, not terribly complicated and easy to mildly enjoy.
Its especially chicken soup as its the same Formula as the first book. Even the snarky banter is done again that you could easily mistake the character is being re-used since its nearly the same as the first book. I definitely laughed at the banter but it got old after a while. It got old because the the style of the erratic smart banter was what we’ve already seen in the first book. The style of the banter wasn’t distinct enough to feel like you’re following a new character.

This didn’t do anything new and exciting for me. I was actually somewhat bored but still happy to enjoy the average story telling. The book has more of a focus on the relationship building of a boss and employee and in the process you get background on them to hopefully keep you interested.

This attracted to the boss shtick though felt tired this next time around.
This isn’t even a copy one shtick book as it also copies the first books very specific theme of a ‘I’m attracted but I can’t do monagamy or relationships because reasons even though i still get jealous of you with other people but also am i even good enough’. So other then character and scenerio differences the writing to get to certain high points all feel so identical.

I really didn’t understand why this had to be a series as the end of the first book ended so nicely and wrapped up. But now this all feels sorta milked trying too hard to do the same thing in a world that isn’t very interesting. When i picked this book up i was hoping for something different but ended up with the same bowl of chicken soup served to me.

Now the world building requires a lot of willing suspension in disbelief to get into some of the plots quirks. If you think too hard into it, it all is somewhat silly and nonsense with this main character and how he has come onto his employ and living situation. I feel like the author maybe doesn’t know how renting or how the absolute basics of insurance works.

The tension wasn’t as believable or strong. I wasn’t very invested in the characters when the romance started. I feel like the character building wasn’t done well enough to get me to care when the first Erotic moment began. The build up was slow and the first Erotic scene was a fade to black moment for some silly reason. This made having to slog through the story very annoying when there is very little relief from the average story to enjoy a Erotic moment. Prepare for more of that. Its up to you though if getting through this boring copied storyline is worth getting to the near copied romance.

In short, there are better books out there to spend your time with. If you want more of the same of this series, re=read the first book, its better.