If you’ve read/listened to all the Ishmael Wong books you know who Sarah Crueg is and you know of welkies. The first South coast book helps you learn about wellies, but this second south coast book is supposed to be about Sara and how she got on the Louis. This isnt necessary because she explains how she got in the Louis in one of the Ishmael books. point!!! before she got on the Louis she had made no decisions o weather she should be a shaman or that she should even try. It was Ishamels support and caring that allowed her to try. I am disappointed in Mr lowell for adding this book. I diviates from the facts if his solar clipper series. We all love welkies and would like to see more about them in context with Ishmael. I think he needs to continue the Ishmael wong series and what happens after the Chernykova Maybe he can come across Sarah again some how. just my opinion.