If someone came to my home and spoke to me with the language regularly used throughout this book, I would throw them out. So why would I pay to listen to it?
The more forgiveable challenges with this book are:
1.) The author, a professional writer, doesn’t know the difference between ‘I’ and ‘Me.’ So let me help him out.
“Me and Bob went to the store.’ Really? Take bob out of the picture, and it’s ‘Me went to the store.
2.) The author, a professional writer doesn’t know that ‘phenoena’ is the plural of ‘phenomenon.’
3.) If you don’t know how to properliy use ‘comprise’ in a sentence, then just don’t use the word.
The level of mastery over written English is somewhere in the middle-school range. But then again, given the constant wish-fulfillment going on here and the ridiculous views on relationships with women, that probabliy fits.