I love dystopian and apocalyptic novels. and usually I can adjust my expectations and come out enjoying any book. This one was pretty hard to enjoy. I understand and respect and even admire that this man is trying to leave his daughter an instruction manual. The plot and characters have great potential. But they’re flat and everyone has been pigeonholed into a label. Ppl are a lot more messy and complicated. With a good author, you would never be able to distinguish the writer’s personal views. But this book is basically a set of flat characters set up to represent this author’s ignorant fears, discrimatory views and fear of the fall of the patriarchy. And he dresses it up as a liberal government out to get Christianity and the good’ol white man. He even managed to make the strong female lead a dumb girl half the time. The characters all sounded alike as if it were the same person speaking.
And it’s quite ironic to see it in print today, with the current POTUS. Seems like conspiracy theories that hinged on corrupt liberals blew up in your face there. Meanwhile, if something like this ever happens, it won’t quite go down the way you imagine it. The younger and progressive generation may suprise you. They will be the ones who adapt the quickest. I hope through publishing this series, receiving comments and paying attention to what’s happening in the world, your awareness and perspective have grown.