The whole twin born thing barely explained so the bouncing around to different characters leaves you confused. The twin born matching a mage in one world to a warrior in the other isn’t explained nor how can 2 different women from different worlds love the same man?? You also have the arranged marriage where Giuliana is married off to Brannis’s friend/cousin – his friend didn’t even try to protest the marriage arranged by Brannis’s uncle – Not much of a friend/cousin nor not much of an uncle either. The story is just lacking. There is a war coming but a war over what exactly? Your given a vague idea but that’s all. I believe the story could have been real good if written a bit better.

There are a fairly large list a characters in the book which also make it more difficult to follow plus figuring out who is twin born to whom in the other world.

P.S. I agree that the sound effects are lame as hell they detract from the book. Once a in very great while I find a book with sound effects that help the book but it’s around .001 percent – the others just seem lame.