I don’t understand the glowing reviews for this. The narrator is good, if not my preferred style (although why a male narrator when the main characters are female, I don’t know). But I had a hard time keeping track of what was going on. One minute, Lilly is running away from zombies with Bo, and then she’s by herself and she’s with the Dr instead… but some time has elapsed somehow? And then Lilly was texting Pepper but she’s ignoring the texts… but somehow never reads or finds the texts again, and talks about how she hasn’t heard from Lilly – so sad. And why has everyone taken the Ebola vaccine when they didn’t even tell anyone it was Ebola?

Either my audiobook is missing some text, or this is honestly the most poorly edited, poorly organized mess I’ve had the misfortune to read in recent memory – and I read a *lot* of indie zombie books.

Otherwise, it’s a fairly standard zombie book. I was looking forward to the dog part (I like stories written from the pet’s perspective!), but after all of the confusing plot holes, I DNF’d this halfway through.