I will admit that I avoided this newest title from MWP, despite being a longtime fan of his work. I mistakenly thought this was going to be an attempt to make me believe that an entire multi-jurisdictional state DOJ murdered a man in order to get revenge on the defendant for a harrassment case for unemployment compensation. I had seen, and read some details of this case beforehand.
However, my faith is Mr. Phelps is renewed after reading this book. As in all his books, MWP investigates each fact, and contention objectively, and reports both sides of this story. After reading this book, my opinion of Miss Fortson’s guilt has not changed. However, I now see that there were some mistakes made, as has been the case in many, many crimes. To error is to be human, but there is nothing to suggest the investigation was botched. Unless you believe the conspiracy, it just doesn’t make logical sense. Tracy will die in prison, because she will never admit her guilt to a parole board. I understand her hypothetical POV but the fact is, she IS a convicted murder….twice over!
What really makes me sick, is that she did this unspeakable act, and still continues to be the ultimate narcissist. She is so important, that the entire Oglethorpe Co. Sheriff’s office put their livelihoods, their honor, and their freedom in order to pull off a frame-up job because of an unemployment comp case, and in addition, the GBI, DA office, and several citizens and medical professionals decided to get on the band wagon, and perjure themselves as well, all for the sake of putting poor, unassuming, naive Tracy Fortson in jail for a murder that was committed by someone else, anyone else but her….
If you believe that, after reading this book, I have some beachfront property to sell you in Florida…
Great investigative journalism Mr Phelps! Keep up the good fight!