The story takes place ten years after the end of World War II in poverty-stricken England.
The story takes place during the days of McCarthyism and her brother has been blacklisted. They escape to England to avoid prosecution.
Cara is writing her memoir and looking back at this time period. The movie/music industry was evolving and not always kind to those living in the industries during that time. We see Cara grow as she seeks answers to her mother’s death.
It took my a long time to get through this book. It was not due to the writing but rather to major changes in my parent’s health. I could not get into the story and re-started it many times.
I was not expecting such a dark novel. I’m glad I stuck it out. It was a coming of age novel for both Cara and the world during the time after the war.
I was given an audio copy of this book and am not required to leave a positive review.