When I rate a book I try to consider what the point of the story is. What was the author trying to do. This book isn’t normal…I mean, to me, it just reads like you’re having several drinks over a game of pool or darts with MKG and he just starts telling you this outlandish, yet hilarious story off the hip. It’s like the longest rant that includes a story as a background distraction. It’s not a normal rant though where there might be a particular topic, nope. This one manages to throw shade at everyone alive in some manner or another and I laughed and laughed the entire time. If the goal was to entertain me with dark humor and no small amount of “wait wtf?” moments, mission accomplished. Well worth the credit. I knocked one star off the story category because of the “Oh you prick” moment. You’ll know what I mean, trust me.

Kafer is Kafer, he’s set a high bar for himself with his previous work and continuously tries to raise it. He’s no RC Bray, but he’s damn good.