Demon Blessed is a three book series featuring Janice St. John, a 200+ year old woman possessed by a baby demon sharing space with her human self. Although her demon gets his nourishment via negative energy from violence and death or positive energy from sex, Janice keeps her demon in check with meditation and moderation in all things. However, don’t let her laid back attitude fool you. She is one tough, kick-ass heroine, and she will use any and all means to defend herself, her demon and her friends/family. It helps that her demon is secretly a softy that likes healing sick and injured people, bestowing people with magical gifts and assisting Janice at every turn.

Book one introduces Janice and the people in her life with extensive use of paranormal world building by the author. She forms attachments with a former lover, a demon-hunting vampire and two young, newly turned werewolves. Book two is packed with action throughout, involving a complicated plot to essentially destroy Earth by an evil paranormal. There are many twists and turns in this book that will keep the reader guessing. Book three mostly focuses on Janice settling into life with her mate and introduces new relationships between ongoing characters. There is much less action and world-building and too much repetition of previous scenes in book three. However, the action picks up again towards the end, and the ending is very satisfying.

My review of Sarah Puckett is mixed. On one hand, she has a very pleasant voice, and her narration was smooth and relaxing. On the other hand, she mispronounced a lot of words (I stopped keeping count when I hit 100 words!), which I found incredibly distracting. I would listen to another book she narrated, but only if that production had much better editing.

I received a copy of this audiobook at my request in exchange for this honest review.