- Would you say that listening to this book was time well-spent? Why or why not?
- Yes…and no. The story was great, the narrator was excellent. But…….well…..let me explain. At this point I’m finished the second in the ‘series’. I was listening along, not wanting to turn it off, the tension was at it’s peak and wham!: the book comes to an end. Damn! Sucked into a cliffhanger! So what do I do? Buy the next book of course. It’s too late, I’ve already been sucked in.. And to top it off the next book is only 5 hours as well. So, I get into this book. The story follows some twists and turns and now I should be asleep, but I can’t because I’m hooked. The tension peaks again and what do I hear? “Audible hopes you enjoyed…..” So now the ugly realizations hit. Audible does not have the next book, and I’m left hanging. On top of this is the realization that this really all should have been 1 book and I’ve been hooked into an expensive way to listen to it! So, if this doesn’t bother you go for it. I’m glad I got the first book on sale. That helps ease the sting a bit.
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