Warning: As other reviews have said, this book may be considered a bit gory and lewd by some readers. So discretion is advised.
That said, when those elements appear in the story, they are not overdone nor are they thrown out without purpose. They were sprinkled at the right moments in the story to paint the narration with the right color of “horror” the author meant to convey that are protagonist are not antiheroes, but really villains.

Personally I have found this book as a breath of fresh air in a genre that is otherwise filled with repetitive tropes. I found myself laughing out loud a few times while listening on my airpods at work (not recommended), and enjoying every single moment of the story as I attempted to devour it on every bit of free time I had.

I highly recommend this story for more mature audiences and will be checking out the follow up books. After all, I too love large chests.