This book picks up right after Book #1. Callie tried (and failed) to escape her life on the island and the Circus of the Dead. However, Samuel has proved to be too powerful and too evil for her to escape. However, she is determined that she will loosen his hold on her and the other islanders. But, at what cost? “I’m afraid you’ll turn dark and evil even if you don’t want to.”

After the death of one of her best friends, mostly due to her trying to get away from Samuel’s control, she is afraid of what might happen if she continues her quest. “The truth is I have no idea who I can trust or really if I can even trust anyone. Maybe, in the end, they’ll all betray me.”

This book is full of voodoo, zombies, ghosts, magic, and so much more. Ms. Loth has created a world that is intriguing and troubling at the same time. Her characters are wonderful and the story moves at a fast pace. I can’t wait to see what happens next (or who the author decides to kill next!). This book is not a standalone and ends on a huge cliffhanger. But, that’s OK, because I know that Callie’s further adventures are waiting to entertain me!

The narrator, Sarah Puckett, does a great job with this book and even though I had just recently read the book, I enjoyed her performance immensely! I think it was even better the second time around!