I was excited about a female tattooist themed book and happy that the MC stuff was secondary to a degree, because I’m not really a fan of MC books. Ultimately, I was disappointed.

The story was fast moving, jumping ahead on story lines that made things hard to follow. I couldn’t help feeling that I was missing key pieces of information. Between the pace & plot holes, I just couldn’t get invested in any of the characters or their relationships because there was no natural development to grow with.

The threat to the main characters, which was a large focus of the book, was resolved in a very anticlimactic manner. My guess is that it’s going to be detailed in the next book, but I’m okay not knowing.

I should have breezed through a 5+hour book. This took me an entire week. I was committed to doing a review, but it was painful to finish.

The narration was simply okay. I can’t really fault the narrators, given the material they were working with. My second book hearing the female narrator & honestly, at some points I thought I was listening to the other book (character voices identical).
