I really like the first book, it started off good. And with Kevin being the narrator, I thought that this series had a lot of potential. But, it just keeps going down hill. The author puts little to no effort to develop any characters but the main character, and he is even comically developed. Some how he is now Mr. Goodie Two Shoes that everyone like and is so jouleous of cause only he has those basic survival skills. His and the overall morality in the book is childish. Adults talking about tickle parties and blushing, really? Was this book written for a fourteen year old audience. I am not into hero journey novels that try to make a clear and simple destruction between the protagonist and what people call, the bad guys. In real life, things are rarly that simple. What people call, bad guys, are usually people with slightly different values than you. Very few people are just purely evil for evils sake. And this event that took down society would not have taken out enough people to have a biker and a hillbilly in charge. I guess this book is just not for me, but if you like simple tale were the idiots always wins, this one if for you. If you want to hear something more interesting, try Commune or Dusk Fall. This series is a waste of money, as a lot of the books that Kevin reads is. I wish that he real better quality books. Many of them have the same stupid preppier pot lines.
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