Nearly every chapter is a reminder of possible torture and rape. The main characters are idiots and one is a murder hobo. The author uses child rape as a tension point to make you gain affection for the idiot murdering psychopath. He gains a little humanity when he stop a little girl being raped after hinting about rape and torture for hours.

Any time the story starts to move, you get reminders that everyone is dead, tortured, raped, and pleding. Some of this the main character did. The story is boring, which is why rape and torture are the only tension points. The characters will anger you throughout the entire book.

At no point do I care about the murder hobo because he now feels bad about his actions. I don’t care about the hero because he’s also a murder hobo idiot. I hated the past sections because they’re all idiots all of the time until someone gets murder raped and the mains go psychopath.

You can also just take a guess and know exactly how the book unfolds. Villian monolog trying to justify why you should forgiven him after he killed everyone, man, wemon, child, pets. Please remind us every chapter that all 7 billion people on earth but were murdered, raped, and tortured, that the main was in the center of it, and why we should now feel bad for his hardships.