I cheered for the villains not because they were well written, but because I hated the hero/heroine. The hero/heroine should have killed them off early and decent characters written instead. The MC is irritating and a hypocrite. She kills her own troops because she felt inadequate and threatened. Characters from the first trilogy that make a return are completely different from their initial iteration. The first trilogy spent so much time preaching against a might makes right peace maker and ends celebrating the character that does just that simply because it’s a girl this time. Major plot holes exist just to solve a problem later. A cannon proofs into existence 3 train cars long when the rebels are scrounging for food and have no where to create such a thing nor a way to feasibly attach it to their ship. Recoil an issue? Levitate it! Oh wait, that doesn’t solve the issue it makes it worse since it makes the guns/canon weightless. The force would rip the cannon off the side of the ship even if the ship is held in place by runes. Magic solutions don’t bother me, what bothers me is when a magic system doesn’t follow its own rules. This author likened himself to Brandon Sanderson and should be ashamed to even consider saying that out loud. I thought the story might go somewhere clever, but it ended with our “heroine ” holding 3 worlds hostage (on a bluff) so she gets her way with no consequences. None of her minions call her on any of this and her enemies all cower without ever trying to knock her off. Don’t waste your time with this jumble of logical mistakes and plot holes.
Review from Twinborn Chronicles →