first of… Jeff Hays is amazing as usual… but the poor guy had terrible lines to read.

which brings me to my second point… the dialog… and character internal monologues…
like.. these people are not life-like.
I found myself mixing up which personality (if you can even call it a personality) was which.

third thing of note: in the audio version (maybe if I was reading the text it wouldn’t be as bad) the names all sound so similar. aside from Jason and Henry, the rest of the characters were a bunch of vowel sounds. even after listening to the whole book… I couldn’t tell you the rest of the characters names… let alone which was which.

I think the author might have been more of loner with no social depth… because the book’s characters TRY to have personality… but literally lack life. like people don’t talk or act like that. its like one of those creepy ‘uncanny valley’ AI robots trying to be human.

Overall, interesting enough plot premise. Jeff does his magic, but that further iterates the inadequate dialog.

the Plots pacing is rather slow… as the chapters are loaded with too much exposition. it’s all very contrived. and my god you’ll find yourself fast forwarded as a character will internally monologue how much they hate or like something or whatever other contrived plot point. like 3 pages later and the same character is still beating a dead horse. we fucking get it.