“Fernando Arroyo considers himself privileged to serve those who served our country, with the goal of ending veteran suicide. He works as the Veterans Program Director at Step Forward Academy as a coach and mentor for veterans transitioning to civilian life.”

Fernando describes his experience of events when he was in the military 🪖 and how it affected his personal career after the war. The trials and tribulations he faced in the military caused him doubt his faith in God. The friendship with is high school sweetheart faded as he extended his service in the military.

After the military he suffered from PTSD and wanted to end his life. Thank goodness for the angels 😇 that are walking among us on earth 🌎.

Big shout out to Mike Donner, may he R.I.P. who helped Fernando get a job after the military. Fernando kept a positive attitude and got the job done everyday. I never imagined at the time of the things he went through in the military because Fernando never talked about it at work, atleast not to me. I was sad when Fernando put in his two weeks, he told me he was going back to school to become a preist. I am happy for him and for the service he is providing for the community especially for the military veterans.

Thank you


The 5:30 mile splits, ahh, “to be young again”.