Okay I’ll admit, I only made it less then 2 hours into the story and I just couldn’t take Cara’s character anymore. She constantly acts like a hyperactive child who takes apart/disassembles anything she wants without asking first, simply to entertain her curiosity and her ADHD problem. She claims she’d doing this to see how an item works, regardless of the fact that she’s disassembling very important machinery on an ACTIVE spaceship currently carrying many souls who are on their way to their home planet.

She causes a serious amount of trouble by constantly disassembling important items even after being asked repeatedly not to by the captain and her future mate, who by the way is always chasing her down trying to find her and always gets blamed for the problems she creates, even though it’s not his fault! Yes, the items she dissembles almost always end up operating better than before she messes with them, but the point she seems to be missing is that it’s not her property to do what she wants with and no one asked her to improve the items, hell they don’t even know her!!! She never asks for permission first even though she clearly knows she’s on an active spaceship with a race of people who are not familiar with her species and are already wary of her.

Cara simply refuses to act like a responsible adult and treats the ML like crap. I feel like she totally led him on by sleeping with him early on and then got all pissy when she overheard him say something out of context when he was being scolded by the captain for a problem SHE CREATED! Then she gets all pissy at the ML and of course, instead of just asking him for an explanation on why he said what he said and to explain how he really feels (like a normal adult would do), she instead decides to simply avoid him totally and acts like a complete brat to him and she even gets his symbiot to act like a brat to him as well… It was at this point in the book that I couldn’t take her anymore and stopped listening.

I mean I get that the author is trying for some comedic moments but the way she’s going about Cara’s character is ALL WRONG!!!! I would suggest only reading this novel if your a die hard about reading a series in order no matter how bad the story is. Who knows, maybe it gets better in the later chapters but I just can’t listen to find out.