This is book nine in the second half of the Frontier Series but is book 24 of the entire series. I have read this series from book one and have been hooked on it. I believe it is important to read this series in order as Brown picks up the story from where the last book ended.

I will keep this review brief as there is not a lot to say after twenty-three reviews on the topic. The book is a hair-raising nail bitter. Be prepared to read this book cover to cover without stopping. Believe me, you will not want to put the book down. Brown has the courage to kill off key characters in his stories which adds to the suspense of the story. The ending was rather abrupt this time, but I cannot wait for the next installment to come out. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with my favorite characters.

The book is ten hours eleven minutes. Jeffrey Kafer does an excellent job narrating the series. Kafer is an actor, voice-over actor and an award-winning audiobook narrator.