Matt Dinniman’s Dungeon Crawler Carl is a thrilling and darkly humorous engrossing novel that blends survival, satire, and emotional depth. The story follows Carl, an ordinary man thrust into an intergalactic death game after Earth is turned into a dungeon by alien overlords. Accompanying him is Princess Donut, his ex-girlfriend’s spoiled, now-talking cat, as they battle monsters, solve puzzles, and face human competitors under the watchful eyes of a sadistic audience.

Dinniman’s sharp writing and fast pace suit the high-stakes, video game-inspired setting. The dungeon’s intricate traps, bizarre foes, and surprising challenges keep the tension high. Despite its humor, the book doesn’t shy away from the darker elements of survival and human nature.

Carl’s sarcastic, resourceful character and his evolving bond with Donut, who provides comic relief and emotional depth, are the heart of the story. The novel also offers satirical commentary on entertainment culture, critiquing society’s voyeuristic tendencies.

While the relentless pace can feel overwhelming, you won’t want to stop listening, Dungeon Crawler Carl is an engaging and thought-provoking story. An entertaining blend of action, humor, and heart makes it a great listen. It absolutely deserves all those 5 star ratings,