I have loved, loved, loved this series. I can’t think of a single thing I didn’t enjoy. It’s so dryly funny, sweet at times, poignant, and occasionally hot. The characters – main & side – are so delightfully quirky – some because they’re honestly good and very interesting people & some are really not very nice, but still full of personality.

Joel Leslie is hit or miss for me, so far as audio narration goes – and this series is a hit. Once in awhile I wasn’t sure who was speaking for a moment or two, but it was brief – there are a decent number of characters, male and female, with a few different accents needed, so a moment or two of that sort of thing is forgivable.

This series provides one of those rare instances where I would be satisfied if this were the last book, if this were a duology. I can totally visualize James & Leo spending the rest of their lives together, getting old & never losing fondness for one another, and likely accidentally falling into murder mysteries to solve. And it’s true that I would happily read/listen if every single one they’d encounter became a book. I’d also love to spend more time with the people in their hometown village. But I also feel so confident in their HEA at this point that the series could end here if the author was so inclined and I’d forgive it, and allow my imagination to fill in the rest of their life together.