Title: Execution
Author: Lucka Franco
Format: Audio
Narrator: Sarah Puckett
Genre: Romance: Forbidden, Sports (Gymnastics)
Standalone: Nope – Read book 1 first, ends on a cliffhanger, but not as bad as the cliffy from Book 1: Balance
Part of a Series; Book 2 of the Off Balance trilogy
POV: Adrianna
Steam Level: Quite toasty at times
Execution ends at a turning point. I think I know a few things that will happen but am dying to find out if I’m right. This book focuses more on Adrianna’s journey in gymnastics – her training and competition and the forbidden nature of her Kova’s relationship is less prevalent (but still there). There were several unexpected twists in Execution and I cannot wait for the last book.
I received this audiobook from Audiobook Obsessions. This is my honest and voluntary review.