I’ve followed Jeremy Robinson’s fiction for a short time, Started with mirror world, Liked it. Moved on to infinite, Fell in love. it was an absolute masterpiece, and I thought I had found the hidden gem, the one story that usually stands above the rest of the author’s literary existence, a high watermark, A measuring stick. I was absolutely floored when I came upon NPC, It was by an author I loved and was a subject that I knew I would enjoy. I bought it, Not expecting to have my expectations blown out of the water. I promise not to give away any spoilers, But this is a must-read if you like Jeremy Robinson fiction; Or if you just like a good old fashion mind F@ck, This is for you. You have found the right place. I promise to work my way through the rest of his work with desperation. Another added bonus was to hear another exceptional R.C Bray narration. I’ve grown very fond of his voice and I like that he is used in other works of Jeremys Fiction.

P.S- I don’t usually leave reviews. (If you can’t tell lol) The message at the end has opened my mind to the simple good of it, Giving it purpose for the first time to me, Lol That or it was just my NPC nature.