This book was so incredibly good (if I could/should even say that). The narrator Kevin Pierce does such an amazing job and he makes you feel like you are actually there, with his descriptions and emphasis on certain words. I hate the fact that I mention that the book is good due to the fact that there is actually book on this and the fact that it is true makes my heart cringe. I feel like as a parent, you do not always want to hover over your children and children should have the ability to be a kid and go outside and play or walk down to the neighborhood pool without fearing for their life.

The fact that Dean could appear as an ordinary man, one whom everyone seemed to love, with great manners and the willing to help others, could basically be Jekyll and Hyde is so scary and makes every mother want to keep her children inside. I feel so sympathetic to the families of all those children….my heart just breaks

I was provided this audio book at no charge by the narrator in exchange for an unbiased review via