I had Wolfsong in my wishlist forever. I don’t know why I waited so long. This story is about love, loss, betrayal, friendship and packpackpack. The Bennett clan is wolf royalty. Thomas is the alpha. He and his mate Elizabeth have 3 sons, Carter, Kelly and Joe. Joe will be the next alpha. Something awful happens to Joe as a child and he’s never the same until he meets Ox. Ox life hasn’t been easy. His father is emotionally and verbally abusive. The day the 2 meet everything changes. There is so much that happens in the book. The relationships between the characters are so amazing. The way TJ writes them you can’t help but love them. There is angst. There is sadness. But there is so much love. When you listen to this it’s like you are there, feeling what they are feeling, running right beside them. Kirt Graves does an awesome job! They way he does ALL the different characters is brilliant. There are a lot of supporting characters and they all sound different. If you been on the fence about this series, jump off the fence and buy it! You won’t regret it.