This really is barely a romance. There just is no connection between the main character and the love interest for so much of the book. It feels forced and unrealistic when you get moments of ‘tension’ that feel plugged in.
The characters writing was just so bad. I felt nothing for these characters and didn’t really see them as fully realized living breathing humans. They felt like generic roles to play in a book desperately trying to tell a story that it can’t figure out how to tell.
The pacing is just awful. Way too long do you go stretches of just not a whole lot going on. You get snippets of world building here and there trying to build up this paranormal ghost type world but it felt too poorly written to be believable. Nothing was really expanded on despite the book also desperately trying to take this paranormal stuff seriously when it does get brought up and tries to focus on the struggles of seeing ghosts. It’s just not detailed enough to get attached.
The plot needed more work, i felt like there was just so much jumping around from poor character moments, poor world building moments and trying to stuff a paranormal mystery plot in sporadically here and there. What in the world is with this writing? I need some structure and more intelligent writing and characters to pull off this plot.
This is just bad and messy.
There is nothing mysterious or amazing about Blue Billings. Not when the mystery is so obvious and the character just sucks.
Most disappointing is of course the lack of romance or relationship building. It’s just painfully bad.
Part of me wants to give a 1 star but at least it wasn’t so bad that I had to DNF it despite all the times I wish i had now.