Every morning the same thing. Pull the covers back, grab my mobile reader… no Omega Force. I try running around the woods with my AR-19 looking for “downed” “aircraft” and once again, usually nothing. No workouts with crusher in the basement! No yelling at Cage when my computer slows down at work! Twingo never around to help change the oil on my Prius. Worst of, NO LUCKY to watch me shower. Look man! Get Josh and Paul moving! We don’t have all day. I swear I’m so close to planting coffee beans and actually bidding on Mecum Auctions. Come on man! Do me a solid. I gots ta know. What happens to the Machine!

This book regardless of what is said by others is worth every credit. Also, I think the SciFi readers love saying “worth every credit”. I know I do. I will give you more credit chips for the next in series. To Munte: I can say with utmost enthusiasm that you evoke a pompous attitude that portrays narcissistic tendencies and a self-loathing of your inner child. Please take a page from the Book of Hastings, chapter 12 vs 21-17 (read backward) “Take the challenge of hope and poor not the BeefEaters lest there be lime wedges. Use the wedge to render the Beefeaters pure and tasteful for the sacred consumption. Ya-Men